Why Enterprise Architecture?
The case for Enterprise Architecture appears quite compelling. It's robust, flexible, and efficient. Also, the planning and implementation of any architectural expansion can be done centrally, which makes it appealing for many businesses and to the federal government. Finally, it eliminates previous architectural problems such as the "hair ball" issue described in the Why Enterprise Architecture video. San Diego Unified School District is currently using Enterprise architecture, or at least attempting to do so. According to our site technician, Enterprise Architecture uses the same concept as shared services and it is sometimes referred to as such. Large corporations and larger school districts probably find Enterprise Architecture appealing because of its scalability, flexibility, and because it's secure. Large school districts and corporations need enterprise servers to operate efficiently. This has become even more important with globalization and the need for businesses to transform in order to survive and have a comparative advantage in the global environment. What I'm uncertain about is whether all districts are attempting to use Enterprise Architecture and what the pitfalls are in terms of using it? Overall, Enterprise Architecture appears to offer insight and knowledge so that we know where we are heading.
In terms of my own life choices and professional history, I should have stayed in Computer Science as an undergraduate. Not to date myself too much, but I took courses in Basic and Pascal back when most students were still relying on type writers to type their term papers, and was on the cutting edge of technology about to explode around me (didn't know it at the time). I even took the first Unix course UCSD offered. Unfortunately, I had no idea at the time that the Internet was about to take off or the opportunities that many of my colleagues were about to embrace because they kept taking courses. I still remember learning to use the vi editor in Unix by playing computer games late at night with other students in the computer lab. I love technology! What caused me to switch my minor field of study was Assembly language. I'd heard nightmares from other students about the course and was not sure I was up to the task. Instead, I switched my minor to logic and then changed it again to Law for one minor and Russian Literature for the other (we had to have two minors). In terms of my major field, I stayed with Political Science, but ultimately decided not to get a law degree (this is another story). I eventually fell back into my love of technology when I started teaching World History, which is also a passion of mine.
Enterprise architecture: origins, tools, and insights. The Free Online Library. Retrieved on Thursday, January 29, 2015 from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Enterprise+architecture%3A+origins,+tools,+and+insights.-a0203895990
Kalbag, Anil (2012). Enabling Business Transformation with Enterprise Architecture and IT service Management. Cisco IT Article. Cisco and/or its affiliates, September 2012. Retrieved on Thursday, January 29, 2015 from http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/enterprise/cisco-on-cisco/Cisco_IT_Trends_in_IT_Article_Ent_Architecture_IT_Service_Management.pdf
Zachman, John A. (2015). A Historical Look at Enterprise Architecture. Retrieved on Thursday, January 29, 2015 from http://blog.opengroup.org/2015/01/23/a-historical-look-at-enterprise-architecture-with-john-zachman/
In terms of my own life choices and professional history, I should have stayed in Computer Science as an undergraduate. Not to date myself too much, but I took courses in Basic and Pascal back when most students were still relying on type writers to type their term papers, and was on the cutting edge of technology about to explode around me (didn't know it at the time). I even took the first Unix course UCSD offered. Unfortunately, I had no idea at the time that the Internet was about to take off or the opportunities that many of my colleagues were about to embrace because they kept taking courses. I still remember learning to use the vi editor in Unix by playing computer games late at night with other students in the computer lab. I love technology! What caused me to switch my minor field of study was Assembly language. I'd heard nightmares from other students about the course and was not sure I was up to the task. Instead, I switched my minor to logic and then changed it again to Law for one minor and Russian Literature for the other (we had to have two minors). In terms of my major field, I stayed with Political Science, but ultimately decided not to get a law degree (this is another story). I eventually fell back into my love of technology when I started teaching World History, which is also a passion of mine.
Enterprise architecture: origins, tools, and insights. The Free Online Library. Retrieved on Thursday, January 29, 2015 from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Enterprise+architecture%3A+origins,+tools,+and+insights.-a0203895990
Kalbag, Anil (2012). Enabling Business Transformation with Enterprise Architecture and IT service Management. Cisco IT Article. Cisco and/or its affiliates, September 2012. Retrieved on Thursday, January 29, 2015 from http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/enterprise/cisco-on-cisco/Cisco_IT_Trends_in_IT_Article_Ent_Architecture_IT_Service_Management.pdf
Zachman, John A. (2015). A Historical Look at Enterprise Architecture. Retrieved on Thursday, January 29, 2015 from http://blog.opengroup.org/2015/01/23/a-historical-look-at-enterprise-architecture-with-john-zachman/