"Once you create the Garden, you now need to tend it”To sharpen the saw involves tending to and maintaining your investments. Just like my garden project is a continuous cycle of improving the soil, replanting, tending to the growth of my plants my commitment to leadership is an investment. Here instead of gardening, I’m investing in myself. As a teacher and an instructional leader, this involves staying current in my practice, making sure the deposits I make are well-focused, and “staying on the edge of innovation.”
Sharpening the saw puts all of the habits together and brings us closer to becoming interdependent. But it is not the end of our leadership journey. To stay interdependent, we need to continue to focus on the habits we’ve developed and enhance them so that we can continue to accomplish our goals. My commitment to Habit #7—Sharpening the Saw
How I will teach Habit #7—Sharpening the Saw to others
March 2015